Is this the answer you’ve been seeking?
If you have never looked at food as a weapon against disease and dysfunction, functional nutrition is your answer.
Functional Nutrition is Your Path to Whole Body Wellness!
The ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, stated, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” He believed you could attain health with a healthy diet and exercise, and only after those measures were in place would he prescribe medicine for an illness. I shake my head at how this simple methodology has changed in western medicine. Medicine now tends toward symptom management instead of finding the root cause. With the dramatic increase in complex autoimmune conditions, even getting a diagnosis is a huge challenge. The practice of functional nutrition is bringing back the art of a ground-up approach to health and healing. Even without a diagnosis, functional nutrition can have a huge impact on your life.
Functional nutrition goes back to the ancient practice of harnessing the power of food and the importance of a healthy lifestyle to create space for the body to heal – even from the worst symptoms.
Chef Kristina
With a functional nutrition coach, you learn specifically what you’re body needs and how you should be eating to support your lifestyle. There is no one-size-fits-all approach here. The work with a functional nutrition practitioner is deep healing work.
Everything matters~
- your individual story
- your history
- your current diet
- the movement and exercise you engage in
- the amount of stress in your life
- how much sleep you get at night
…all make a difference in the symptoms you are feeling.
If you’re ready to take charge of your health, it’s time to get the support you need!